Working for the Dharma
Lama Zopa Rinpoche receives thousands of letters every year from people seeking guidance on a variety of issues. His advice is made available here, so it may be of benefit to others.
This topic contains advice about the importance of the Dharma center, which brings benefit to so many sentient beings. Rinpoche says that when we work for the center and serve sentient beings with a bodhicitta motivation, we collect unbelievable amounts of merit. We are educating others in the Buddha’s method that completely eliminates suffering and brings lasting happiness.
There is advice on how to resolve conflict with fellow students at the Dharma center by changing our view, remembering their kindness in the past and looking at them with an open heart. Having difficult people at the center helps us practice thought transformation, especially tolerance and compassion, says Rinpoche.
Rinpoche advises how to design the center logo, and gives instructions on specific design elements which have great meaning and significance. He offers advice on fundraising and the practice of generosity, and about specific charitable projects. There are also letters containing advice on various aspects of teaching Dharma and translation work. Rinpoche says that when teaching Dharma, the main emphasis should be on the good heart and benefiting others.
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