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LYWA Multimedia: Freedom - Courage - Realization

France 1982
(Archive #377)

This multimedia title presents Lama Yeshe's teachings on the three principal aspects of the path.

As long as you have as an object of hatred even one human being, as long as you have an overestimated object of craving desire, as long as you have an indifferent object of ignorance—someone you ignore and don’t care about—as long as you have the three poisons of hatred, desire and ignorance in relation to these three objects, you have a problem.  
- Lama Yeshe

At Institut Vajra Yogini, during a teaching tour of Europe in 1982 sponsored by FPMT, His Holiness the Dalai Lama manifested ill health and asked Lama Yeshe to fill in for him for the first day’s teachings. The result is this excellent introduction to the path to enlightenment, in which Lama explains renunciation, bodhicitta and the right view of emptiness. These talks are included in Lama Yeshe's book The Essence of Tibetan Buddhism.

This multimedia title presents the teachings in a format that weaves together all the assets found in the Archive: transcripts enhanced as much as possible by video, audio and images, and supplemented by other related material. We hope your understanding of these precious teachings is deepened by engaging the Dharma in this multidimensional way.

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