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LYWA Multimedia: The Advantages of Monastic Life

Tushita Retreat Centre, Dharamsala, India
(Archive #233)

In this multimedia title, Lama Yeshe speaks frankly about the challenges and opportunities facing Western Sangha.

An empty building is not a monastery. A monastery is good because a group of people is putting incredible positive energy into living in organic purity. Without people, it’s just concrete and wood.
– Lama Yeshe

This multimedia presentation illuminates an excerpt from a series of talks offered by Lama Yeshe to his growing Western Sangha. This talk was given at Tushita Retreat Centre in Dharamsala, India, in April 1982, during the first Enlightened Experience Celebration. In this excerpt Lama Yeshe speaks frankly about the challenges and opportunities facing Western Sangha and elaborates on the purpose for the establishment of Nalanda Monastery. These talks were published by LYWA in Advice for Monks and Nuns.

LYWA multimedia titles present the teachings in a format that weaves together all the assets found in the Archive: transcripts enhanced as much as possible by video, audio and images, and supplemented by other related material. We hope your understanding of these precious teachings is deepened by engaging the Dharma in this multidimensional way.

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