Kathmandu, Nepal 1995
(Archive #1019)
These teachings were given by Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche at the Twenty-Eighth Kopan Meditation Course, held at Kopan Monastery, Nepal, in November 1995. Included are oral transmissions of the Heart Sutra, the Thirty-five Buddhas Confession Prayer , and Pabongka Rinpoche's Heart-Spoon [now revised and renamed The Heart's Utmost Need ].
Download or listen online to the audio recordings of Lectures 1-3 and 6-9, and read along with the transcript. You may also download the entire transcript in a pdf file .
This set of lectures does not represent the entire course, just primarily Rinpoche's teachings. During the early part of the course, discourses were given by geshes and Western students.
The teachings were recorded on audio tape, so you will notice some comments related to the tapes within the transcript.
The Index Page provides an outline of the topics discussed in each of the lectures.
Lecture One: Compassion Listen to this teaching online!
Introduction to Great Chenrezig initiation
Buddha’s compassion is all-embracing and non-discriminating
Because of compassion, Buddha is a reliable guide
The benefits of compassion and the need to develop compassion
Rinpoche’s mother and Lama Yeshe
Benefits of practicing tantra
Importance of dedication
Lecture Two: The Tantric Path Listen to this teaching online!
Recitation and visualization of Chenrezig mantra
The benefits of practicing tantra
The four classes of tantra
Vajrayana the “result vehicle”
Accumulating the two types of merit
Generation and completion stages
Unification of clear light and illusory body
Reason to practice tantra is only compassion
Origination of the universe and its inhabitants
Why tantra is precious and rare
Important to be aware how the maras disturb Dharma practice
All buddhas attain enlightenment through tantra
Meditations to help depression
Oral transmission of Heart-Spoon [now revised and renamed The Heart's Utmost Need ]
Motivation and preparation of Great Chenrezig initiation
Lecture Three: The Compassion Buddha's Mantra Listen to this teaching online!
The meaning of Vajrayana
The importance of lamrim as a basis for tantric practice
Dangers of not having lamrim as a basis
Meaning of secret mantra
The benefits of reciting Chenrezig mantra
Rinpoche’s mother recited OM MANI PADME HUM
Checking dreams
Everything is hallucinated appearance
Lecture Four: Dedication
Dedication after taking precepts
Benefits of the eight precepts
Lecture Five: Buddha Potential
Buddha potential
Purifying obscurations
Karma, four possessed results of
Lecture Six: Dharma in Daily Life Listen to this teaching online!
Shopping with lamrim awareness
Emptiness, the four philosophical schools
Need to realize the Prasangika School view of the refuting object
Hallucinated appearances
Wisdom and the specific ignorance that is the root of samsara
Daily attitude without the three principal paths is deluded
We need lamrim in every aspect of life
Importance of motivation and bodhicitta in daily life
Why there is no fulfillment in the heart
Lecture Seven: Karma Listen to this teaching online!
Results of ordained and lay people’s negative actions
Results of actions done with bodhicitta motivation
Importance of Vajrasattva daily recitation
Introducing bodhisattva and tantra vows
Vajrasattva purifies everything
Start of Vajrasattva initiation
Lecture Eight: Oral Transmission Listen to this teaching online!
Incomparable merit of meditating on emptiness
Understanding samsara
Oral transmission of the Heart of Wisdom Sutra
Oral transmission of the Thirty-five Buddhas Confession prayer
The power of Medicine Buddha practice
Medicine Buddha practice to cure heavy sicknesses
Healing stories
Good to be pure vegetarian
Lecture Nine: The Nature of the Mind Listen to this teaching online!
Continuity of aggregates
Nature of the mind
Continuity of delusions
Importance of taking refuge and actualizing lamrim
Obscurations removed on the five Mahayana paths
Refuges of Buddha, Dharma and Sangha
The Hinayana two causes of taking refuge
Mahayana refuge
Essence of taking precepts is to bring others happiness
Morality is the best basis
Living in the vows accumulates merit, even in a coma
So.jong ceremony and the sound of beating the wood
Vast difference in merits accumulated by people holding vows or not
Accumulating two types of merit
Taking refuge and precepts
Contaminated aggregates cause future samsara
Absolute and conventional Buddha, Dharma and Sangha
Refuge and precepts ceremony