Kopan Course No. 10 (1977)
Kopan Monastery, Nepal, 1976
(Archive #92)
These teachings were given by Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche at the Tenth Kopan Meditation Course held at Kopan Monastery, Nepal in 1977. The transcripts are lightly edited by Gordon McDougall, May, 2011.
You may also download the entire contents of these teachings in a pdf file.
Kopan Course No. 10 Index Page
The Index Page provides an outline of the topics discussed in each of the lectures.Click on the headings below to go directly to a particular lecture.
Editor’s note: Besides some very poor quality tapes, many of the old reel-to-reel tapes were not labeled or were inaccurately labeled, and so it has been impossible to determine the chronological sequence of the lectures.
- Introduction
- The reason we do pujas
- The meaning of Dharma
- The dangers of attachment
- Attachment to alcohol and drugs
- The disadvantages of anger
- The most dangerous ignorance is not knowing what self is
- Real freedom is cessation of suffering
- How to meditate
- The reason for the prayers
- The need for a compassionate motivation
- Happiness comes from others
- Suffering comes from the self
- Others are the cause of our liberation
- What enlightenment is
- Stories of Shakyamuni Buddha
- The Buddha and the monks Great Path and Small Path
- Meditation: Watching the mind
- Lamrim motivation
- Impermanence
- The impermanence of the mind
- An independent mind is impossible
- Question and answer
- Delusions are not one with the mind
- The differences between liberation and enlightenment
- The need to clear all subtle obscurations
- The gradual path to enlightenment
- Reincarnation cannot be disproved
- Meditation: The mind is beginningless, the delusions are beginningless
- Motivation: The need to be free in order to help others
- How to eliminate fundamental ignorance
- Shamatha and ethics
- Prostrations are an antidote to pride
- Suffering comes from nonvirtue; happiness comes from virtue
- Karma: Karmic results
- Dharmakaya and nirmanakaya
- The five degenerations
- Thought transformation
- Like the sun reflected in drops of water
- Motivation
- Being mindful in break times
- The shortcomings of harmful thoughts
- The perfect human rebirth: You can obtain temporal wishes
- The perfect human rebirth: You can be reborn in the pure lands
- The perfect human rebirth: It is easy to achieve nirvana and enlightenment
- The eight worldly dharmas
- There is no choice but to practice Dharma
- Bodhicitta: The importance of the good heart
- The benefits of bodhicitta: Relative bodhicitta is the door to the Mahayana
- The benefits of bodhicitta: You become a son of the victorious ones
- The benefits of bodhicitta: You create great merit
- The benefits of bodhicitta: Meditation on the kindness of the mosquito
- The benefits of bodhicitta: We purify obscurations
- The benefits of bodhicitta: The fruit is never finished
- The benefits of bodhicitta: We achieve enlightenment
- Bodhicitta: Seven points of cause and effect
- The essence of advice nectar
- The seven point of cause and effect: Equanimity
- The seven point of cause and effect: All sentient beings have been our mother and incredibly kind
- The seven point of cause and effect: The kindness of the mother
- Equalizing and exchanging self and others
- Thought transformation: The shortcomings of self-cherishing
- The shortcomings of the self-cherishing thought: The four suffering results
- Thought transformation: Self-cherishing, the evil butcher
- Put the blame on self-cherishing
- The shortcomings of self-cherishing: The suffering in the six realms
- The shortcomings of self-cherishing: Grasping onto possessions
- Meditation on the shortcomings of self-cherishing
- Thought transformation: Motivating on cherishing others
- Meditating on cherishing others
- The suffering of the six realms
- Meditating on purifying the lower realms
- The biography of Atisha
- Atisha: The lamrim and lo-jong texts
- Atisha: His kindness
- Tales of lineage lamas
- What Dharma is
- The five degenerations
- Meditation on death
- Motivation
- Thought transformation: The preliminaries
- Thought transformation: Preliminaries, setting up the altar
- Thought transformation: Preliminaries, visualizing the merit field
- Thought transformation: Preliminaries, the seven-limb prayer
- Thought transformation: Preliminaries, the mandala offering
- Respect for Dharma objects
- Motivation
- Thought transformation: Preliminaries, the mandala offering (cont.)
- Offering food
- Motivation
- Perfect human rebirth
- The benefits of saying refuge and bodhicitta prayers
- Even animals work for the happiness of this life
- Only virtue makes life meaningful
- Anger blocks obtaining perfect human rebirth
- The eight worldly dharmas
- Controlling delusions and self-cherishing
- Thought transformation: Give the victory to others
- The advantages of thought transformation
- Motivation
- Renunciation
- Remembering impermanence and death
- The dissatisfaction of worldly life
- The dissatisfaction of worldly life: Old age
- Remembering the death process
- The meaning of Shakyamuni Buddha’s mantra
- Death is certain
- Remembering impermanence and death
- Being kind to the enemy
- Meditation on the enemy
- Enlightenment is impossible without the enemy
- The enemy is more precious than a universe of jewels
- The mosquito is the cause of your enlightenment
- All sentient beings are the cause of your enlightenment
- Ignorance and self-grasping
- The benefits of the lamrim
- The benefits of bodhicitta
- Motivation
- Dying with a virtuous and a nonvirtuous mind
- Vajrasattva
- Purification practices: The Thirty-five Buddhas
- Purification practices: Milarepa’s mantra
- Overcoming self-cherishing
- Chenrezig mantra
- The kindness of sentient beings
- Motivation
- Cherishing others
- Showing patience for sentient beings who have harmed us
- Morality
- Seeing the sentient beings as the guru
Next chapter: Section One: Lectures 1 to 4 »