E-letter Special Mailing June 2009
Dear LYWA Friends and Supporters,
I hope you are well. Thank you for your interest in the Archive. I’m writing here to request your continued support in these financially challenging times. We do what we do for the benefit of all sentient beings. Please join our efforts to spread peace and happiness throughout the whole world.
We recently sent our wonderful new book, Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Heart of the Path, to our members and the many people who ordered it. We thank you for your extremely positive response to Rinpoche’s amazing teachings, and we are working hard to prepare more of Rinpoche's lamrim teachings into definitive texts like this one. If you have not yet seen Heart of the Path I encourage you to get it.
You may have seen the LYWA presentation I gave at the recent FPMT general meeting in France. If not, please check out our Current Projects page to see what we’re up to.
In the midst of these troubled financial times we have been fortunate to be able to continue with our work preserving and spreading the precious teachings of the lamas. Thanks to your kind support, we have several projects well under way:
- Freedom Through Understanding, Lama Yeshe’s and Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s first teachings in Europe, is with our designer for publication as a free book in July. If you are a Benefactor you will automatically receive this book!
- Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s extensive Teachings from the Medicine Buddha Retreat is almost ready for design and publication as a book for sale.
- We have a couple of DVDs coming out later this year: a companion to the book Freedom Through Understanding, and the very last teaching Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche gave together in Europe: Life, Death and After Death, which will also be coming out later as another free book.
- Our Publishing the FPMT Lineage project continues apace with three editors working on Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s lamrim teachings.
- Big Love, the official biography of Lama Yeshe is well into the editing process.
- Work continues on the development of our Photo Archive, which now includes tens of thousands and images like the ones you see here in this letter. Once organized and keyworded images from our Photo Archive will be posted to our online Photo Gallery.
In addition, our day-to-day work continues: cataloguing new teachings; transcribing and checking transcipts; editing audio for online publication; fulfilling orders for our books; and posting materials to our website.
Our website also continues to develop as an invaluable free Dharma resource with new content and features being added regularly: our Archive database search, email alerts system, foreign translations pages, online share links (like facebook and twitter), and more.
Please help us continue developing the Archive as above and in many other ways by making a generous donation today. Visit our donations page to make a donation online or learn about other options. As I mentioned, we can do all this only with your kind support and we thank you most sincerely for it.
Much love
Nick Ribush